Prior to your videos I thought ZN and ZB were marks of Zorro !

If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authority in your jurisdiction, that likely means that they are unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, it is best to avoid it if the regulator happens to be outside your jurisdiction. The TTF strategy (true-trend-following) focuses on buying strength, selling weakness, and letting winners run.

DotBig testimonials

But if you want to swim WITH the sharks and learn how to survive and maybe flourish, this is the place. I loved your intro book which completely destroyed all our thinking about indicators, charts, and trading sexy futures like gold and oil. By the way, I suggest people read the book twice as the first time it was way over my head with new concepts. We overlook the most important thing of all – order flow and the actions of buyers and sellers up close and personal. Prior to your videos I thought ZN and ZB were marks of Zorro ! But I can now see how important from a reading the flow and comission point of view these futures can be. I am really looking forward to your course and really appreciate the work you put into the pre-study videos so we can hit the first day running.

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A premium daily analysis service exists, for a deposit of $10,000 and $5,000, respectively. I rank trading costs among the most defining aspects when evaluating an exchange, as they directly impact profitability. offers Forex costs from 0.15 pips for a commission of $8.00 for a total fee of $9.50, but it requires a $100,000+ deposit. Most retail traders must accept minimum spreads of 1.4 pips or 1.0 pips for portfolios above $5,000. adheres to strict guidelines to preserve editorial integrity to help you make decisions with confidence.

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  • But if you’re a veteran trader, then DotBig may not be the best alternative, according to our assumptions from the video. offers CFD traders 2,100+ assets covering seven sectors, ensuring clients can achieve proper cross-asset diversification. Cryptocurrencies are not available to all, dependent on their geographic location., in partnership with Interactive Brokers, also grants 100,000 DMA instruments listed on 120 global markets, adding appeal to their asset management service. provides investors and traders with an industry-leading choice of trading instruments. The video does tell us that they will be featuring CFD related products, but there’s no indication if there will be any currency pairs, but it’s quite likely. According to the video, traders will have access to more than one thousand trading tools and additional benefits in the sense of no commissions and low spreads, which is always a welcome addition.

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“I wanted to say thank you for all the information you’ve provided. I’ve learned to adjust my execution approach to “go with the flow of the market”.” I can’t tell you what a good feeling it is after all of this time to finally get it. It is just amazing, and it’s been the biggest endeavor that I’ve ever come across.

DotBig testimonials

I’ve been with Priyesh for only 3 months now and I can honestly say he has been consistent in everything he teaches in his lesson. It’s not usual to find a trader who teaches exactly the way he trades. My understanding improves with every lesson I repeat and my trades are improving weekly. Still a lot to learn as I keep making the mistakes Priyesh has already said that we would all make. Best part of the course is the charts and analysis for me. One of the most ignored trading costs is swap rates on leveraged overnight positions. Depending on the trading strategy, it may become the most significant fee per trade.

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